Video Slink Uganda

Marisa Morán Jahn uses sculpture, film, text, installation, and performance to redistribute power, “exemplifying the possibilities of art as social practice.”

Artist Bio

Commercially pirated Hollywood actions, Nollywood dramas, and Bollywood musicals reach millions of Ugandans every month. VJs (or “video jockeys”—a combination of think interpreters, carney barkers, and stand-up comedians) play a unique linchpin in this media ecology: they liberally translate these films into the local language. In 2012, Marisa Morán Jahn collaborated with Paul Falzone, a tactical media organizer in East Africa, and three VJs to insert artwork onto commercially pirated DVDs, and into bibanda (public video halls where bootlegs are shown). The resulting videos will be sent to outer space and slinked onto bootlegs.

Award Year

In Progress


Marisa Morán Jahn

New York, NY

An artist of Chinese and Ecuadorian descent, Marisa Morán Jahn uses sculpture, film, text, installation, and performance to redistribute power, “exemplifying the possibilities of art as social practice,” writes ArtForum. Characterizing her playful approach, MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology writes that Jahn “introduces a trickster-like humor into public spaces and discourses, and yet it is a humor edged with political potency.” Jahn is the founder of Studio REV-, a non-profit studio whose works include El Bibliobandido, a masked story-eating bandit, Video Slink Uganda, experimental films slipped or “slinked” into Uganda’s bootleg cinemas, an audionovela app for domestic workers named by CNN as “one of 5 apps to change the world,” and the CareForce, a project amplifying the voices of America’s fastest growing workforce, caregivers, that includes two mobile studios, the NannyVan and the CareForce One.

Jahn’s work has been reviewed in The New York Times, BBC, and Univision. Her projects have received support from Sundance, Rockefeller Foundation, and Tribeca Film Institute, and they have been showcased at The White House, the Museum of Modern Art, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Peréz Art Museum of Miami, The New Museum, and more. She has taught at MIT, Columbia University, and The New School. Jahn received an Anonymous Was a Woman Award in 2017.