Wave Table Synth.
sisterengineering experiments 05
Sister Engineering is an Indian American artist, engineer, and multi-instrumentalist living and working between Chicago and New York City.
Artist BioCounterpoints is a sonic meditation utilizing handmade electro-acoustic instruments to study the technological sublime of opposing elements coexisting to create musical poem. Improvising across material, form, tonality, and ecosystem, Sister Engineering nurtures a sensibility of resistance and remembrance through a new approach to auditory liberation. Her approach deploys the care-filled act of listening as an immaterial tool to challenge the commodification of sound and sculpture as weapons for domination, dehumanization, and confusion. Through conversational study, Counterpoints solicits awareness for the sea of sounds in which we live and how they shape our interactions with the world and others.

Sister Engineering
Hawthorn Woods, IL
Sister Engineering is an Indian American artist engineer, and multi-instrumentalist. In her practice she builds open-source audio electronic and software instruments foregrounding the creative use of technology to call for change through curiosity. With an emphasis on experimentation, collective-care, and transparency, her work questions the use of material to explore and enlarge the field of sonic possibility.