Peggy Diggs
Galisteo, NM
Peggy Diggs’s community art installations include Make Do for the Weatherspoon Art Museum in North Carolina, Recollection for Wave Hill in the Bronx, and Your Name Here with homeless women in Chicago. She has also done projects in Boston and many other cities, as well as in Canada and Venezuela. Her grants and awards include a Massachusetts Cultural Council Individual Artist Grant, a Creative Capital grant, a Special Editions Grant from the Lower East Side Printshop, a New England Foundation for the Arts New Forms grant, and a New England Foundation for the Arts/National Endowment for the Arts Regional Fellowship in Sculpture. She taught at Williams College in Massachusetts and received her MFA from the Cranbrook Academy of Art. She currently lives in Galisteo, New Mexico.

Work Out
Peggy Diggs
Artist BioWork Out is a collaborative community-based art project done with prison inmates in Pennsylvania. Diggs, motivated by considering possible new spatial needs arising from global warming, worked with incarcerated men to design useful objects for small, perhaps transitory, spaces. After intensive workshops in design and materials usage, the men focused on a collapsible, multi-purpose storage unit, and desk. A light-weight corrugated cardboard-and-hardware unit evolved, called GreaterFits.