Jason Salavon

Jason Salavon

Chicago, IL

Creating his own software processes, Jason Salavon generates or reconfigures large sets of communal data to present new perspectives on familiar objects. A Chicago-based artist, Salavon received his MFA at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and his BA from the University of Texas at Austin. Selected solo exhibitions include shows in Virginia, Miami, Austin, and Chicago, along with group shows in New York at White Columns and at the Whitney Museum of American Art. His work has been reviewed in publications including The New York Times, Art in America, Chicago Tribune, and The Wall Street Journal.

A Thousand Butterflies

Jason Salavon generates or reconfigures large sets of communal data to present new perspectives on familiar objects.

Artist Bio

The installation A Thousand Butterflies is a darkened room with a single entrance. One wall swirls with projected light and the room fills with a deep hum. The other walls of the room are embedded with hundreds of distinct controls and display panels. Scattered throughout these controls are simple read-out displays of liquid crystal and blinking LED. Viewer/participants “blind control” the direction of the piece as it progresses in a slow meandering evolution over time. The piece is based on the “butterfly effect,” a term given to sensitivity in systems such as weather or economies in which a small change or perturbation can lead to drastically different outcomes.

Award Year
