Hajoe Moderegger
Brooklyn, NY
Hajoe Moderegger works in collaboration with Franziska Lamprecht as eteam. Their work fuses land ownership, participation and utopian ideas through the use of new media tools and physical presence. They have produced work in many media including video, web, installation and live performance. Their work has been featured at the PS1, New Museum, Eyebeam, Momenta Art, Art in General, MUMOK Vienna, Neues Museum Weimar, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, TIDF Taipei the 11th Biennial of Moving Images, Geneva and the 41st International Film Festival Rotterdam. They have been awarded a NYSCA film & media grant, a Marion Ermer Grant and a Creative Capital Grant in emerging media. They are fellows of Macdowell and Yaddo and were the recipients of a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship.
From the Journal
- eteam’s Digital Art Project Became a Performance, Then a Novel January 23, 2020

OS Grabeland
MoreFranziska Lamprecht is a Brooklyn based artist and part of eteam
Artist BioHajoe Moderegger works in collaboration with Franziska Lamprecht as eteam.
Artist BioOS Grabeland is a collaborative, open-source project based on a set of tenanted allotments eteam bought site unseen on eBay in 2005. The garden parcels, located on the outskirts of a small village two hours North of Berlin in Germany, lacked access to water which made it hard for the eight gardeners to grow vegetables reliably. The ensuing collective search for water—metaphorically the idea of opening a source or updating an old operating system (OS) with new software—turned the landlocked gardens into a cruise ship with which eteam and the gardeners sailed to the US, followed by a horse-drawn wagon tour through eastern Germany’s living fascination with America’s history of the Wild West. The long-term, processed-based performance work around this plot of land eventually found its form in the novel Grabeland.
Grabeland (coming from the German word “land for digging”) takes place in a country that no longer exists, in a culture rooted in soil and projections. The story tours the inner exiles of its characters as they test the limitations of their actual existence. Focusing on Germany and the US, the novel Grabeland dramatizes the formation of national identity and ultimately its dissolution through an accumulation of personal and collective experiences, anecdotes, accidents, propaganda, falsifications, histories, victimizations, inventions, dreams, and hopes.

Brooklyn, NY
Since 2001, Franziska Lamprecht and Hajoe Moderegger have been collaborating under the name eteam. Most of their projects are based on random pieces of land they buy on ebay or in Second Life. Eteam’s projects have been featured at many venues, including Art in General, P.S.1 and Eyebeam in New York,,MUMOK,in Vienna, Neues Museum Weimar in Germany, the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Spain. Eteam’s videos have been screened at the Transmediale Festival in Berlin, the Taiwan International Documentary Festival in Taipei, the New York Video Festival and the 11th Biennale of Moving Images in Geneva. Moderegger and Lamprecht have received funding from Art in General, NYSCA, Rhizome, the Experimental Television Center, the Henry Moore Foundation and an Emerging Artist Fellowship Grant from Socrates Sculpture Park in Queens. They have been awarded residencies at the MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Smack Mellon, Eyebeam, Harvestworks and the Center for Land Use Interpretation. In 2010 they received a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship.
From the Journal
- eteam’s Digital Art Project Became a Performance, Then a Novel January 23, 2020

Franziska Lamprecht
Sunnyside, NY
Franziska Lamprecht is a Brooklyn based artist and part of eteam, a two artist collaborative that investigates conceptual possibilities and practical improvements in public spaces and private territories. eteam installations and performances have been shown at museums and galleries including MoMA PS1, Eyebeam, MUMOK in Vienna, Momenta Art, New Museum and Neues Museum in Weimar, Germany. Videos by the eteam have been screened at Whitney, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Pacific Film Archive, 11th Biennial of Moving Images, Centre pour l’Image Contemporaine, Geneva, Transmediale Berlin, TIDF Taiwan and at the New York Video Festival. They have been awarded a Henry Moore Foundation Project Grant, an EYEBEAM Production Grant and the Marion Ermer Preis 2004. In 2005 they were selected for the New Commissions Program at Art in General, and the Longwood Arts Project Digital Matrix Commissions Program.
From the Journal
- eteam’s Digital Art Project Became a Performance, Then a Novel January 23, 2020