Amelia Rudolph
Berkeley, CA
Amelia Rudolph holds two degrees in comparative religion; a Bachelor of Arts from Swarthmore College and a Master of Arts from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. She founded Project Bandaloop in 1991. In June 1998, Project Bandaloop climbed El Capitan performing Peregrine Dreams on the headwall of the Shield. The company has performed with the Houston Symphony and for the United Nations conference on global climate change in Buenos Aires. Rudolph has participated as an artist leader for Creative Capital’s professional development workshops.

Image from Crossing by Bandaloop
Amelia Rudolph
Artist BioThe site-specific mountain phase of Crossing blended the challenges of crossing a mountain range and the aesthetics of making dance. Traversing the Sierra Nevada Range from West to East for three weeks, the performer/mountaineers of the artist’s dance troupe Project Bandaloop created site-specific dances along the crest of the Sierra. The performance of Crossing involved a team of specialized performers including composer/violinist Zachary Carrettin and was documented for broadcast by videographer Greg Bernstein. The successful realization of the piece took place August 5-23, 2001. Fifty hours of video was shot of textures, sounds, sky, landscapes, light, and many dances including the octet on Wildcat Point near Tuolumne meadows. Several musical themes and many sound canvases were developed before and during the mountain project. Crossing: Stories of Gravity and Transformation is a theatrical version of the piece that blends images and videos from Crossing with music and choreography.