Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects book launch

Celebrate the book launch for Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects from the Museum of Trans Hirstory and Art (MOTHA) (2016 Creative Capital Awardee Chris E. Vargas) at the New Museum! Comedian Murray Hill will emcee a lively evening, featuring a screening by artist Banyi Huang, and performances by artists Vincent Chong, Rio Sofia, and Chris E. Vargas.
Surveying over three centuries of trans life, this volume brings together a capacious selection of artworks, archival documents, publications, and artifacts. Co-edited by David Evans Frantz, Christina Linden, and Chris E. Vargas, the book is a continuation of Vargas’s MOTHA, a museum forever “under construction” that exists without a building or a board of directors but takes on selective functions of an institution. Books will be available for sale on the evening of the program.