Sam Easterson
Los Angeles, CA
Sam Easterson’s video art has been shown by institutions including the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Walker Art Center, the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston, the Williams College Museum of Art in Williamstown MA, the World Wide Video Festival in Amsterdam, the European Media Arts Festival in Osnabrück, the Sydney Film Festival, and the CyberArts Festival in Boston. He has been reviewed in The New York Times, the Village Voice, and FlashArt International, among other publications. Easterson is also the Founder and Director of Animal, Vegetable, Video, an organization dedicated to building the world’s largest and most comprehensive library of video footage that has been captured from the points of view of animals and plants. The organization has been profiled by the Sundance Channel, Minnesota Public Radio, Filmmaker Magazine and RES, and their work has been exhibited at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles. Sam Easterson holds a BFA from The Cooper Union and an MS in Landscape Architecture from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Animal, Vegetable, Video: Where the Buffalo Roam
Sam Easterson
Artist BioWorking with wildlife experts, Sam Easterson outfitted a herd of Buffalo with helmet-mounted video cameras. In Animal, Vegetable, Video: Where the Buffalo Roam, the artist continues his ongoing project of creating gallery and museum installations out of footage that has been taken from the perspective of animals. Easterson has previously created material with smaller animals, and hopes to build the world’s most comprehensive library of video footage that has been captured from the point-of-view of animals and plants. Animal, Vegetable, Video: Where the Buffalo Roam combines Easterson’s artistic pursuits with his background as a professionally trained landscape researcher and his interest in the history of American landscape.