Alan Gilbert
Brooklyn, NY
Alan Gilbert’s poems have appeared in Bomb, Boston Review, Chicago Review, and numerous other magazines. He is the author of Another Future: Poetry and Art in a Postmodern Twilight (Wesleyan University Press, 2006), a collection of writings focusing on conceptual documentary strategies in contemporary poetry and visual art. His essays, articles, and reviews on poetry, art, literature, culture, and politics have appeared in a variety of publications, including Artforum, Bookforum, Modern Painters, etc. He has also contributed essays and entries to a number of exhibition catalogues. He has reviewed poetry regularly for the Village Voice and The Believer. He holds a PhD in English literature from the University at Buffalo (SUNY). He lives in Brooklyn.

Late in the Antenna Fields
Alan Gilbert
Artist BioLate in the Antenna Fields combines an interest in the grotesque and the absurd with a documentary approach focusing on everyday life, saturated as it is by a culture of spectacle, war, commodities and consumption of various sorts. Alan Gilbert aims for his poems to work concurrently on at least four levels—the personal, the social, the political and the linguistic—while weaving these elements together in a way that allows for each of them to be given different inflections and degrees of emphasis. Autobiographical elements sporadically surface; at other times, descriptive content and commentary drawn from society and culture are foregrounded—all of it interspersed with moments of linguistic play. While his poems are occasionally fantastical, Gilbert sees them as a form of realism layering past, present and future encounters with flickering images, ephemeral objects and fragile hopes.