A Strong & United Future for the Arts: A Letter from Suzy Delvalle

One of the most troubling aspects of the COVID-19 outbreak is the amount of uncertainty. When will it end? And what will the world look like on the other side? In times of crisis and uncertainty like these, we look to artists to guide us. Yet, as I argue in The Art Newspaper, artists are among the most affected in times like this, and we must redouble our efforts to support them.
In the past few weeks, my optimism has been buoyed by the conversations I have been having with artists and arts organizations mobilizing to keep culture in our country alive. When the crisis is over, we and many others are doing everything we can to ensure that art will be there for us, as it always has.
To this end, we have created a series of online workshops, “Coping with COVID,” that have been specifically designed to help artists deal with the economic effects of the outbreak. We have kept a running list of arts resources developed to help artists weather the crisis, and we are continuously adding to a list of festivals, exhibitions, and events that have moved online. It has been so encouraging to see how quickly and forcefully artists have met the current challenge—including Creative Capital Awardee Taylor Mac, who, with Suzan-Lori Parks, created a digital platform to showcase performances, with revenue going to support artists in need. We hope you will help by contributing to these efforts and campaigns. If you’re able to donate to Creative Capital, we encourage you to do so.
This is also the time to push for larger, systemic reforms to the support system for artists and cultural institutions as the crisis continues. Too often, the US government leaves the arts behind during emergencies like this. Here are a few ways you can help to ensure that there is a future for the arts after the crisis has abated.
As one of the premier funders of individual artists in the country, we try to remain a steady force, ever focused on our mission of supporting artists when they need us most — and we remain committed to our timeline of offering Creative Capital Awards on a yearly basis. From what I have seen and heard already of our artists’ response to these unprecedented times, our community will emerge from this moment as strong and united as ever. I look forward to that moment.
Un Fuerte Abrazo,
Suzy Delvalle
President & Executive Director