More Time, More Money, More Art: Upcoming Grant and Residency Opportunities
Uninterrupted time for art making is precious and too often elusive. A residency can reinvigorate an idling practice or provide essential time to finish a big project. The list below has something for artists of all disciplines with opportunities in international metropolises and remote villages.
BRIC Visual Artist Residency
Brooklyn, NY
Deadline: March 14, 2017
This residency is open to emerging artists who demonstrate much promise, and to mid-career artists with a documented record of exhibitions and other accomplishments. This residency is available only to professional, practicing artists and MFA students. Space will be provided to selected residents free of charge; artists are also given $500 for materials.
The David Ross Fetzer Foundation Film Award
Salt Lake City, UT
Deadline March 14, 2017
The film award consists of a grant of $5,000 to a U.S filmmaker 35 or under at the time of application for the production of a short film that will be shown as a private screening with the filmmaker in attendance at the annual foundation event in Salt Lake City the year the grant is awarded.
Naked State Art Residency
Bare Oaks, Canada
Deadline: March 15, 2017
Naked State is a 10-day residency to create artworks that explore the nude human body in context of nature, culture and art. For the duration of the residency, the artists and residency Facilitator live as *naturists (in the nude) within the naturist community of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park to create works that explore questions such as: What is nudity? Does stripping away clothing rid us of class, gender, and personal expression?; Do the connections between our bodies and the land change when nude? Is nudity always sexual? What is the role of the nude in historical and contemporary art?
Kamiyama Artist in Residence
Kamiyama-cho, Tokushima, Japan
Deadline: March 20th, 2017
Kamiyama artist in residence program is an independent project organized by local Kamiyama residents who share the desire to develop art and culture in Kamiyama. It was established in 1999 to invite and provide artists with the unique opportunity to create art works influenced by their interaction with nature and local residents. This program, along with the final exhibition, also organizes ‘Open studio day’, ‘Art tour’ and workshops at local primary schools, junior high schools, and senior high schools. This community oriented program aims to rediscover the wonder of the area and create new opportunities for exchange and cultural understandings.
VisArts Studio Fellowship
Rockville, MD
Deadline: March 20th, 2017
VisArts invites applications and proposals from local, national, and international artists for a six month Studio Fellowship at VisArts at Rockville. The Studio Fellowship provides a unique opportunity for a dynamic individual artist or collaborative artist team to create a new body of work, evolve an existing body of work, or develop a project in a stimulating, supportive environment. Studio space is provided free of charge.
Eyebeam Residency
Brooklyn, NY
Deadline: March 29th, 2017
The Eyebeam Residency is a prestigious award for artists engaged with technology and technologists working in the arts. Residents work in Eyebeam studios in Brooklyn for one year on experimental, interdisciplinary projects with a goal towards invention and impact. Residents receive a generous financial stipend ($30,000) as well as access to top-notch facilities and a dynamic far-reaching community.
The Experimental Studio — Residency and Exhibition
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Deadline: March 31, 2017
The Experimental Studio residencies, established in 2014, offer contemporary artists working in any discipline to benefit from the opportunity of working for a concentrated period of time, supported by a communal environment, including the ongoing exhibition and events program in the gallery and the opportunity to interact on both a formal and informal basis with other artists elsewhere in the studio and gallery centre, Bamburgh House.
Based at Abject Gallery in the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne, The Experimental Studio is a paid opportunity consisting of a 3 week in-gallery residency to create new work, culminating in a 2 week exhibition.
Cross International Performance Award
Verbania, Italy
Deadline: April 22, 2017
LIS Lab Performing Arts – in collaboration with the Municipality of Verbania and with the support of the Regione Piemonte, Fondazione Cariplo , Compagnia di San Paolo , Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo, Fondazione CRT and Municipality of Cannobio – announces the third edition of the ‘International CROSS award’ for artists and companies in the field of performing arts and music, with particular attention to productions focused on the close interaction between musical composition and action on stage.
CUE Art Foundation Curatorial Open Call
New York, NY
Deadline: May 12, 2017
The Curatorial Project Open Call provides one deserving curator or curatorial team the necessary time and resources to realize an innovative project with the aim of encouraging curatorial research in tandem with exhibition planning. CUE provides institutional guidance and resources to the curator, who produces a group exhibition in CUE’s space with related public programming and an accompanying exhibition catalogue in 2018.
The selected curator will receive valuable mentor support from one panelist including installation guidance in preparation for the exhibition, and will be awarded a $2,500 honorarium; a budget of $2,500 to divide amongst the participating artists and program speakers; and a production budget of $2,000.
CUE Art Foundation Solo Exhibition Open Call
New York, NY
Deadline: May 12, 2017
The Solo Exhibition Open Call provides emerging and under-recognized artists the necessary time and resources to present an exhibition at CUE in 2018. The selected artists will receive valuable mentor support from one established curator on the selection panel including a studio visit and installation guidance in preparation for the exhibition, in addition to a $5,000 honorarium, and an accompanying exhibition catalogue with an essay written by a participant in CUE’s Art Critic Mentoring Program.
Other Resources
Designed for artists of all disciplines and at all career stages, Creative Capital’s Professional Development webinars are taught by highly trained and experienced workshop leaders, successful artists and arts professionals who share practical tips and tools, case studies and personal examples from their own experience. Visit the Professional Development site to learn more about our educational offerings and register for upcoming webinars and workshops.
Open Calls:
Residency Listings:
Funding, Grants and other Financial Opportunities: