A Message from Suzy Delvalle: Stand By Creative Capital As We Support Artists
Queridos Amigos,
Creative Capital’s year has been filled with rich creativity, fierce artistic dedication, and bold innovation. We made awards to 46 exceptional projects in Emerging Fields, Literature, and Performing Arts, and served 3,057 artists across the country through 107 workshops and webinars.
In the coming year, we’ll continue to provide the services we’re renowned for, as well as thinking about increased challenges artists face and how we can address them. We feel prepared to tackle this work with you at our side! Together, we are investing in ideas that shape the future, and we could not do it without you!
Now, perhaps more than ever before, it’s critical for artists’ voices to be heard loud and clear. Please consider making a donation of $25 or more today to help us ensure they are!
Felices Fiestas,
Susan R. Delvalle
President & Executive Director
Images above: Branden Jacobs-Jenkins and Carmelita Tropicana at Creative Capital’s 2016 Artist Retreat; Becoming an Image by Cassils; Creative Capital Professional Development Program’s Summer Institute; Video still from a human(e) matter by Jeanine Oleson; The Symphonic Body by Anne Carson; video clip of Beware of the Dandelions by Complex Movements; video still from Creative Capital’s artist profile of Jen Bervin; image from Pruitt-Igoe Bee Sanctuary by Juan William Chávez