Authentic Branding: An Exercise in Landing Your Brand
According to PDP leader, strategist and entertainment industry veteran Maxine Lapiduss, “If you have the intention of making a living from doing what you love, it is crucial that you ‘Land Your Brand’ and clearly communicate what makes you unique, special and different.” On Wednesday, February 4th at Creative Capital in NYC, Maxine will lead a workshop on Authentic Branding. In this session, you’ll learn to use your unique story, essence, and experience to sculpt your message and presentation, making it easier for your audience, or gallery owners, or patrons to find you. Click here to register for the workshop!
Below is an exercise drawn from Maxine’s latest endeavor, Worship The Brand, an online community that supports and encourages artists (and crafters!) to showcase brand-inspired art, offering cash prizes as well as a wealth of tips and resources for all artists.
The Land Your Brand Exercise
(adapted from Worship The Brand)
In this exercise, list ten things that make you more unique, memorable and different than anyone else on the planet! We recommend that you cut ’n paste the following into a document you can hang onto and refer to as you land your brand.
Now, recall as many of your experiences, stories, memories, philosophies, etc. that differentiate you in each of the categories below:
1) From the men/women on your block?
2) From the men/women in your family?
3) From the men/women with your sexual perspective?
4) From the men/women in your culture?
5) From the men/women in your religion?
6) From the men/women you went to school with?
7) From your closest friends?
8) From the people who do what you do for a living?
9) From the people with your political inclination?
10) From the people with the same hobbies you have?
This exercise may not be easy. Give it the time it deserves, and don’t edit yourself. At first glance, you might not see the connection between what you write down and your work.
Don’t worry about it. Don’t edit. Just do it and see what comes out of it.
And now you’re on the way to Land Your Brand with unique angles that set you apart, and yet also make you intriguingly relatable.
Ready to enhance your personal brand? Click here to register for Maxine’s “Authentic Branding” workshop on Wednesday, February 4th at 6:15 pm EST.