Artist Resources, Workshops, and Articles: May-June, 2021
As part of our commitment to help artists find the resources they need to build thriving and sustainable practices, starting this month, every month we will collect a list of links, workshops, and other information to help artists develop their artistic career. This month’s links include workshops by Creative Capital Awardees The Team on producing work collaboratively and a national conference convening artists impacted by criminal legal systems.
If you have any resources to add, please let us know through this form.
Tips for Applying for Grants
Competition for the limited amount of performance grants out there is always rising. Should you keep applying for grants, then? The answer is yes, but in a more strategic way. In this article on NYFA’s website, Lauren Slone, Director of Grants and Research at the MAP Fund, explains how.
Access Intimacy in the Arts
Free Online Conversation
May 27, 2021
Owólabi Aboyade, Ezra Benus, Taraneh Fazeli discuss art, music, curatorial practices, and accessibility in the arts in a conversation grounded in disability justice.
The Future of…
Free Online Conversations
The Art World Conference hosts a series of conversations about what the future of the arts landscape looks like, from contracts to leadership. Check out these free conversations scheduled through June. The Future of Funding conversations is streaming now.
The TEAM Workshops
The TEAM creates their work collaboratively with strategies that include physical and verbal improvisation, solo and group writing assignments, and character and movement compositions. In upcoming workshops through June, they address topics like “devising democracy” to work through collaboration processes, and guides to self-producing.
Creating and Monetizing Online Performance Projects
From content ideas to a breakdown of digital platforms and products, Krista Martins, dancer and founder of Wukkout!, walks you through the how-tos of monetizing a digital performance practice.
Pro Bono Legal Clinic
Free Legal Sessions
NYFA offers a pro bono resource for artists who need to speak to legal professionals in one-on-one 30-minute sessions. To qualify, artists must provide tax returns.
How to Make Your Home and Workspace Fuel Your Creativity
The Creative Independent regularly interviews and commissions articles by artists, writers, and musicians as guides to living a creative life. In this article, Stephanie Diamond offers some tips and things to think about when setting up your home and workspace to best fuel your creative energy.
Collective and Cooperative Models
Between $5-25
Collective and cooperative models are rapidly becoming a new normal, but no two cooperatives are alike. In this workshop presented by Center for Cultural Innovation, cartoonist-lawyer Janelle Orsi will share tools that any artist, entrepreneur, or group could adapt as they move toward more cooperative ways of working.
Communicating Climate Science Through the Arts
Free In-Person Workshop
Application Deadline: June 11, 2021
Guerilla Science holds a two-day workshop on Governors Island, New York City, on July 12–13. The course is for individuals interested in creating experiences that mix science with installation art, theatre, and play, to introduce new audiences to the excitement of scientific discovery and social relevance of climate science.
Women in the Art Convening
National Conference
June 7-12, 2021
This five day conference will present daily programming to encourage equity and growth in the arts.
Digital Security for Filmmakers
Free Guide and Workshop
June 23, 2021
In conjunction with the launch of our Digital Security Guide for Filmmakers, Field of Vision and Freedom of the Press Foundation are hosting a workshop to explore extensive digital security guidance and information. The session is designed for documentary filmmaking as a producer, director, cameraperson, sound recordist, editor, or any role on the team, this public session is for you, especially those needing extra protection, or those working in high-risk situations and for overall best practices.
Art for a New Future
National Conference
June 24-26, 2021
The Justice Arts Coalitions’s online national convening will bring together artists impacted by criminal legal systems, teaching artists, arts advocates, and allies to build community around our shared commitment to reimagining justice through the arts. They are currently accepting calls for interactive and/or performance-based sessions that facilitate community-building and collaborative exploration of this vision through creativity, movement, and conversation.