Marike Splint

As territorial beings, we mark lines that divide the world, delineate land, and outline property. Although it may seem that drawing borders is natural, borders only exist to the extent that we consider them meaningful. On the Other Side is a documentary performance by Marike Splint, that challenges notions of borders and acts of bordering. The project is initiated by theater artist Marike Splint, and co-created with performers from different parts of the world whose lives and memories have been directly and deeply impacted by borders. While their stories span several continents and eras, they accumulate to a reflection on how borders affect bodies and cultural memories through generations.

Their personal experiences are juxtaposed with, for example, scenes built around the absurd language of immigration procedures, and the picking apart of children’s playground games to their horrifyingly territorial nature—together forming a theatrical deconstruction of the notion of borders navigating between the personal, the political and the poetic.