Gregg Moore


Bone china, being the only ceramic material comprised from the remains of once-living organic tissue, has the unique potential to express our shared human ecological values. Since its inception, bone china has been used to make objects that express the owner’s social status. Despite taking the form of functional vessels like tea cups and plates, bone china has not been the historical workhorse of the kitchen or dining room. Over the past five years, Gregg Moore has been reconsidering this material, working with Chef Dan Barber in the creation of the ceramic tableware for his Blue Hill at Stone Barns restaurant. This project has included the development of a unique bone china composed of bone ash derived from waste bone from the restaurant’s kitchen.

Gregg Moore is an artist, designer, and educator. His studio practice explores the relationship between ceramics and new media, drawing from historical foundations while questioning and investigating perceptions of the ceramics field. His current work ranges from ceramic tableware, mixed media sculpture, and multimedia and video-based installation that examines the practices of gardening, farming, cooking and eating. Moore’s work with Chef Dan Barber investigates even deeper relationships by creating objects that reflect the historical and ongoing co-evolution of ceramics and cuisine.