Values-Based Goal Setting, with Susan Koblin Schear

Artists of all disciplines have long struggled with obstacles of business. There are many reasons that these challenges may exist within your practice including, lack of goal setting, planning and implementation; absence of purpose, values and vision; feeble marketing and messaging; frequent isolation and limited networking; inadequate budgeting, recordkeeping and fiscal responsibility; and more.
An initial part of the equation, which is frequently not considered, is knowing what your values and/or guiding principles are for your art practice. The second part of the equation is establishing goals which can be implemented. In order to complete the equation, it is important to ensure that your values are aligned with your goals; it can otherwise become a challenge to work on achieving goals that are against what you believe and/or practice.
Led by arts consultant Susan Koblin Schear, this online workshop will define what values and guiding principles are, and why they are important to and for you. Examples of values and guiding principles will be shared. Developing and implementing goals will also be addressed and supplemented with examples and best practices. Finally, values-based goals will be examined and discussed in depth, substantiated by examples, as this may be or is a new concept to many artists participating in the workshop.
This workshop is for you and about you. Be prepared to share, engage, learn and work towards enhancing your business practice. We welcome your questions, which will be addressed at the conclusion of the workshop and we look forward to seeing you online!
Technology Requirements
You may attend this online workshop using either a Mac or PC computer (with speakers), standard phone, smart phone, or tablet device.
To participate in the workshop, please login using Chrome. Firefox and Safari are problematic. Make sure your Adobe Flash Player plugin is up-to-date. If it is not, you will be prompted to update it, which will take about a minute.
If you plan to attend via iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch, please download and install the app AnyMeeting Attendee Viewer for iPhone.
A strong wifi or hard-wired Internet connection is preferred.
For additional technical questions or issues, please see the Questions? section below.
This online workshop will be recorded. The recording will be shared via email with all previously registered participants approximately 24 hours after the workshop concludes, regardless of whether participants attend the live workshop or not. The recording will be posted online indefinitely. It is not available for download.
About Susan Koblin Schear
Susan Koblin Schear founded ARTISIN, LLC in 1995 to offer comprehensive, process-oriented and holistically-based planning and business development, management and implementation services to the arts and cultural sector. Her visionary strengths and grassroots approach are particularly resourceful to nonprofit and for-profit entities. She is proud to also introduce a2a® / Artist-to-Artist™, a new program from ARTISIN designed to help artists, arts-related/creative-sector businesses, and artists in hybrid careers, develop the business side of their creative practices. Structured as a series of professionally-guided peer groups, a2a guides participants in goal-setting, accountability, creative problem-solving and entrepreneurial skill-building.
Susan draws on her many years of prior corporate experience when consulting with artists, arts-related businesses and arts and cultural organizations, as she believes they need to be leaders within their communities and strategically connect to other sectors. She advocates that mutually beneficial outcomes are realized when encouraging collaboration between arts and business and other sectors, and brings this passion to her work within diverse, continually evolving and changing communities.
Her visionary strengths and grassroots approach allow her to be particularly resourceful to artists, arts related businesses and hybrid careers. She has the unique ability to develop strong relationships, “translate” business / entrepreneurial skills and practices for artists in order for them to understand and feel comfortable with business ownership and responsibilities, keep her “finger on the pulse” of the external environment, “connect the dots” that are often not obvious; and, “see” missed opportunities for the many artists with whom she has been engaged. She is able to quickly develop trust to assist artists in moving forward by understanding their needs and then helping them to set and realize their goals, particularly during difficult times.
Ms. Schear is an established speaker, moderator, facilitator and trainer and provides workshops and seminars as part of her practice. She formerly served as the National Professional-Development Workshop Consultant for the College Art Association, funded by the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, leading and guiding the planning, creation, and implementation of professional-development workshops at selected universities and alternative spaces broadly distributed throughout the country. She is a visiting assistant professor at Pratt Institute’s Graduate Arts and Cultural Management (ACM) Program, for the past twelve years, and has also been a thesis advisor to ACM students.
Ms. Schear is a board trustee and also serves on several advisory committees. She has received several awards and honors.
Please contact Matthew Deleget, Online Learning Consultant, at [email protected].