San Francisco, CA
Ledoh is the co-founder of Salt Farm, a San Francisco-based collective united in its mission to explore its diverse cultural roots via the art of Butoh. Ledoh was born into the Ka-Ren hilltribe of Burma during a civil war that continues today. He performed internationally with Katsura Kan’s Saltimbanques company from 1988-2001. Since 1998, his multimedia works for Salt Farm include Blue Scale, River of Sand, River Rock Sun, Reverberation and Requiem for Darkness. Ledoh has received support from the Margaret Jenkins Dance Laboratory, the Irvine Foundation, the San Francisco Arts Commission and the Zellerbach Family Fund. He has been awarded residencies at the Headlands Center for the Arts, the Luggage Store Gallery, the Lucas Artists Program at Montalvo and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. He has taught his approach to improvisation at Naropa University, Dancer’s Group Summerfest and to other Bay Area dance companies.

Artist BioCOLORMEAMERICA is a Butoh-based multimedia performance project delineating tensions between concepts of security and the survival of the life force. Themes explored include contemporary erosions of the individual’s power of consent under the guise of patriotism. The ensemble piece utilizes structured improvisation to craft a dance between those seeking permission and those holding the power to grant it. COLORMEAMERICA features live movement accompanied by an original electronic score and projected video images.