Jessica Irish
Smallwood, NY
Jessica Irish is an intermedia artist, working in multimedia, video, installation, print and online spaces. Her exhibitions include: Construction Site, University Museum of Art, Santa Barbara; Visual Arts Museum, NY and Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, Spain; International Symposium of Electronic Arts, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois; Techno Seduction, Cooper Union, NY; Just a Minute, Los Angeles Center for Photographic Study; and Geffen Contemporary at the Museum of Contemporary Art (Los Angeles), among others. Irish has codirected youth arts initiative programs including OnRamp Arts and VIDKIDCO. She has taught and lectured at UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, Claremont Graduate University, and California State Univeristy at Long Beach. Irish is the online designer for The Labyrinth Project, a research initiative sponsored by the Annenberg Center for Communication, LA Freewaves, Vishwakarma Arts, and the School of Cinema-Television, USC. She has served on the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Art Resources, Inc., as well as the video committee for Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions. She received her MFA from University of California, Irvine.
Jessica Irish
Artist is an experimental, multi-faceted view of an urban information zone: a merging of architectural structures, information technologies and inflatable forms. Visually, the project functions as an interactive city-scape. It grows out of billboards, roofs, and inflatable signs that portray the separation of the physical world from the increasingly invisible stream of digital information that defines a media-saturated environment. The project is a question or a premise rather than a statement or product. is a fabricated “space” creating a new “landscape” that is part fiction, part history, part failure, and part theoretical database.