Gaye Chan
Kaneohe, HI
Gaye Chan is active in the Honolulu film and visual art worlds as an artist, curator, and writer. She has had solo exhibitions and installations presented at Art in General in New York, Gallery 4A in Sydney, and Articule in Montreal. In 2000, she curated two film series for the Gay and Lesbian Film Festival at Honolulu’s Pegge Hopper Gallery, and the visual art exhibition Order! Order! at the Gallery on the Pali, also in Honolulu. She received a 1998 artist fellowship from the Hawaii State Foundation for Arts and Culture, and a 1996 National Endowment for the Arts Regional Fellowship.

Historic Waikiki
Gaye Chan is active in the Honolulu film and visual art worlds as an artist, curator, and writer.
Artist BioHistoric Waikiki is a project by DownWind Productions, a collaborative of artists, writers, teachers, and activists who examine the impact of colonialism, capitalism, and tourism in Hawaii. We distribute information and agitprop commodities through the marketplace and e-commerce to help tourists and locals alike understand our complicity in the decimation of Hawaii’s land and people, and to imagine different relationships with each other and with our own desires and longings.