Bill Morrison’s "Decasia" Added to National Film Registry
We were thrilled to hear that Bill Morrison’s Creative Capital project Decasia was added to the U.S. Library of Congress’ National Film Registry in December 2013. An 80-minute film created from restored nitrate footage re-photographed onto 35mm, Decasia uses decaying reels from the early days of film to investigate the human desire to transcend the limitations of earthbound existence. The spectacular score for Decasia was composed by Bang On A Can co-founder Michael Gordon.
VIDEO: Trailer for Bill Morrison’s Decasia
Morrison received the Creative Capital award for Decasia in 2001 and completed the film in 2002. Decasia has the distinction of being the most contemporary film yet accepted into the Registry, which is restricted to works that are at least 10 years old.
You can read more about Decasia and the other 2013 National Film Registry selections in The Washington Post.